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Welcome to the Johnson County Middle School Counseling Page! 

The counseling department at JCMS has a lot to offer students and families.

Our school counselor is Mrs. Juli. She can assist with short-term individual and group counseling.

What she can assist with:

  • Academic needs
  • Peer Relationships
  • Social Skills
  • Managing Emotions
  • Study Skills
  • Time Management 
  • Goal Setting
  • Locating community resources for families
  • And much more


If you are a student needing to speak with Mrs. Juli please email her at

If you are a guardian of a student at JCMS and want Mrs. Juli to speak with your student please call 423-727-2600 EXT 2305 or Email her at



*If students are experiencing a mental health crisis outside of school hours please contact the following resources:

  • National Suicide Hotline: 988
  • Frontier Health: 877-928-9062 (mobile crisis unit)
  • 911










Contact Information:

Phone: 423-727-2600 EXT:2305



Office Hours: 

Monday-Friday: 8am-3:30pm